Publications and Research
Building Blocks for Social Emotional Learning: Creating Safe, Secure, and Successful Schools
Support the growth of your students with meaningful, effective social-emotional learning (SEL). Full of resources, tools, and planning templates, this comprehensive guide provides everything you need to embed SEL practices within your daily work. You’ll engage in deep reflection and discover ways to refine instruction, lesson planning, and assessment; promote whole-child development; and foster a productive learning environment for alll.
A trifold reference guide designed to aid teachers and support staff, presents preventive strategies and personalized solutions to respond proactively to behaviorally challenged students.
Written by Padmaja Sarathy and Ann-Bailey Lipsett
Following Communication Development with the use of an AAC device
This exciting work is for Joey's Foundation. I have been researching and tracking Joey’s communication development after suffering from Hypoxic Anoxic Injury, which severely impaired his motor skills.
Read the blog on Joey's progress and our work and stay tuned for more! We are excited to be presenting on our research at the 2020 Council for Exceptional Children Conference in Portland, Oregon!
Supporting Emotional Regulation in the Elementary School: Brain-Based Strategies and Classroom Interventions to Promote Self-Regulation
Before students are able to be successful with academic demands they must be able to regulate their own emotions. Seven kindergarten students at a Title One school outside of Washington, DC participated in a small-group intervention in order to increase their ability to regulate their own emotions. The curriculum for this group was created based on the neurological implications of how the brain processes emotions.
Education Sector hosted the event "Finding the Link: Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development." AIR invited four teachers - all bloggers - to give their reactions to the discussion and ask questions of the panelists. This is a repost of my blog post from “Organized Chaos”
Reality 101 is written by new special and gifted education teachers for new special and gifted education teachers. It is maintained by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the international membership association for special education professionals.
I detailed via a personal student case study many examples of overcoming challenging behaviors in a child to restructure the way they learn and behave for the better.
Creating Engaging Read-Alouds for All Learners: NAEYC National Conference, Washington, DC. November 2018
Gave a presentation titled - Read, Play, and Learn: Using picture books to engage in educate children with disabilities in promote inclusive practices.
Creating Engaging Read Alouds for All Learners. CEC's Division for Autism and Developmental Disability Conference, Clearwater, FL, 2018.
Interactive read-alouds increase children’s language skills, vocabulary development, and engagement, although choosing, adapting, and planning activities around books can be time intensive for teachers. This presentation reviewed research on the impact of using interactive read-alouds in the classroom and gave practitioners ideas of how to choose books to increase student involvement, adapt books to meet the needs of all learners, and use read-alouds to meet target instructional goals.
Three Part Webinar Series on Engaging Read Alouds with the Division of Early Childhood (DEC)
Watching Communication Grow: Following One Child’s Developmental Progressing Using an AAC Device. Pennsylvania Council for Exceptional Children, Harrisburg, PA, 2018
Creating Engaging Read Alouds for All Learners, NAEYC National Conference, Washington, DC, 2018
Creating Engaging Read Alouds for All Learners. Council for Exceptional Children's Division for Autism and Developmental Disability Conference, Clearwater, FL, 2018.
Creating Sensory Storytimes at Local Libraries. Council for Exceptional Children's Division of Early Childhood Conference, Portland, OR. 2017.
Creating Engaging Read Alouds for All Learners: Creating Connections for Shinning Stars Conference, Roanoke, VA 2017.