As I watched my friends and the families I work with manage their worlds I began to search for a solution to ease some of the anxiety and complexity of their worlds. As much support as schools give their families it is often not possible for them to be in the home connecting with the parent and child, problem-solving the day-to-day difficulties, researching possible solutions, creating in-home behavior supports and learning activities that will increase the child’s development.
Lipsett Learning Connection was born from this search. It is your personal special education service, which can be tailored to meet your family’s needs. You and I will form a partnership that will create a strong plan to foster your child’s academic and social/emotional needs, while also helping you navigate your way through the complex world of parenting a child with special needs. The connection your child has with you is the most important relationship in his or her life. You are the first and most important teacher, guide, and friend. Together we will determine the best plan to give your child strong literacy skills to navigate the world and enjoy books for pleasure, emotional regulation and executive functioning skills, social skills, and foster language development in the home.
If you are not ready for a full partnership but are looking to increase your child’s abilities at home, I offer tutoring services that will address your child’s academic needs and build on their strengths.